Dickens - a map

David Perdue's website has information about Dickens's life and work and lists many more sites around London connected to him. It also includes a map of both biographical and fictional sites.


Anonymous said...

I last read Great Expectations in about 1975, when I was briefly a university English tutor. I am only about half way through my re-read, but I am enjoying it far more than expected. The plot is very cleverly constructed; and the characters display the Dickensian range of idiosyncracies without most of the sentimentality one encounters in Bleak House, Little Dorrit, The Old Curiousity Shop, etc. In Biddy he comes close, but she is not the hopelessly passive female saint one gets elsewhere. Joe Gargery is sentimentalised, but it is made clear that he is imperfect and not too bright. I look forwarding to reading on.

John Kennedy

Mylee said...

It is quite astonishing to see that Miss Haversham has her own entry in Wikipedia!

Faye said...

Dear John ,
I know what you mean about the characters - they do not exhibit much sentimentality. The character of Pip is very strongly drawn and develops right through to the end of the novel. Especially wonderful when one considers the novel was written and published in installments.
Overall I think the vast array of people, the complexity of the plot , the humour and the psychology make it one really good read.
I enjoyed your comments.

Faye Lawrence